When to Take Social Security
There are many opinions out there about whether to take social security when first eligible at age 62, wait until full retirement age (around age 67 for most folks), or even wait until age 70 when the social security benefit is at its maximum. So, I thought I would throw my own opinion (about how I am doing it for ME) into the mix and give my reasoning so that you can see how it applies to my particular situation. This will give you an idea of what factors I considered, and what issues you may need to consider for your own situation. Basically, the mainstream schools of thought out there are to take it as soon as possible so that you can maximize the amount of total money drawn over your expected longevity, or take it as late as possible so that you can maximize your monthly income. Then, there is the issue of how soon that income is needed. If you are married, that will also affect when you want to start taking it. Whether or not your spouse worked,...